Friday, December 31, 2010

Ok New Years, Lets Talk About that.

New years, everyone is getting ready to start there new diet and change old habits. Well, i dont understand it really, if you have a bad habit why do people decide to wait till new years to change it. I think a new year is something to be celebrated but for some reason to me it always seems like another day.

It seems the new year seems to be more hastle. You have to get used to writing a new date on all your school papers or checks.

As for my new year resolution, well i dont have one. I think maybe ill try to be a better student? but i had decided that long before new years eve. If you have any suggestions feel free to post them in the comment box, because i know i just have thousands of followers, yes that is sarcasm. Is it really sarcasm if you point out your own sarcasm? so really its just a false statement at that point.

I have to pee really bad, i decided 3 cups of coffee was a good idea. It wasnt.

I am starting to think no one really reads my blog thats why i havent been posting as much. I had an idea the other day to try to write a short story. Do i think i am a good writer? No. Do i think i am a good storyteller? Hardly. just thought it would be a fun idea, if you have thoughts about this leave them in the comment box.

So again, you can comment on my posts, or not, people dont read it so they probably wont even see this statement.

Happy New Year, I will be thinking of things.

hmmm, THOUGHT: My New Years Resolution is to work on my spelling errors.


Its a New Year, Whatever that means

First I would like to start off with a family trip i just took. It was a small one, but a decent amount of fun. We went to a indoor water park and i am going to start with the things i learned at this water park.

1. I really dont like deep country accents
2. Girls, you are 12, not eighteen cover up.
3. Small childs should not be left unattended.
4. Hot tubs are not meant for small childs.
5. The wave pool is for watching hundreds of small childs run into eachother. (very happy moment for me)

Friday, December 24, 2010

Childhood Bliss

This week i have not been really excited for Christmas at all, and up until about an hour ago i wasnt excited at all. I know i am not getting something, but for some reason i feel fine, i am looking forward to moving on with this day. For some reason the boy like wonder is in my head, maybe it is me reflecting on a lot of the fine times i had as a kid.

When you where a child Christmas was wonderful. You thought santa was real (well you probably would think rocks where real too at that age, but that is besides the  point). Santa was real and all was good. As a child i was even dumb enough to leave the reindeer baby carrots. What the hell is a reindeer going to do with a baby carrot? Have you ever tried feeding a horse? well its scary and something as small as a baby carrot just wont fill there gullet.

When you where a child you where aloud to be stupid because "you didnt know better" or "your to young to understand". Well my friends i want to go back to those times, understanding things just means you have to understand more things. Which sucks nips.

If i where a sea horse, i would blow bubbles with my nose.

If i saw a reindeer, i would probably kill.

Happy Hanukkah....i guess?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I Dont Understand

I really dont understand when Christmas became all about giving gifts. You know when i was a wee lad all i would get was just a nerf gun or a yo yo and i would be happy for days, weeks....even months. why did it all change? my parents would not stop asking me what i wanted for Christmas. As they asked me the more i realized i dont need anything. All i really want is my mommas homemade choco chip cookies and some chocolate fudge. And passing college would be a good present, but i dont think you can buy that at walmart.

The holidays are suppose to be fun, not stressful. I had to buy a gift for my special lady friend and i had no ideas, and i have been stressing about it because i want to get her something special of course. So i really hope she likes what i got her.

Stockings, possibley the greatest part of Christmas. Almost everyone i have talked to like stalkings. If you dont like stalkings then you probably like avatar, in which case means you are probably stupid.

Avatar = Not liking stockings
Star Wars > Avatar
Everything > Avatar

What if i get Avatar in my stocking?


Friday, December 17, 2010


Has anyone actually roasted a chestnut over and open fire? Honestly that sounds dangerous to me. Not only does it sound dangerous, it actually sounds painful. I like to roast marshmellows, not chestnuts.

So  I am just chilling in my girl friends house, and BOOM! porn comes on. And her mom is in the room. It made me laugh.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Boredom Strikes

Do you ever feel like you are done with something but really you are only half way there?

My roomate hears me fart sometimes and he tells me that it doesnt sound like a fart, like i am faking my own fart. This makes me very self conscious like what are farts suppose to smell like?

Today at 730am i was taking my english final and around 8:15am one of my classmates walked in late. She told him he was to late and he was pissed and walked out. About fifteen seconds later he storms back in and says "why didnt you email me when the final is" and my teacher goes "that is not my resposibility!" he mumbled something to her, which was probably him talking back. So after he mumbles something, I swear she stood up and said "lets take this outside" while she was standing up saying this it looked like she was about to backhand him like she had her hand raised and everything. So they walked outside and i dont know what happened but my teacher came back in looking angry.

It was really funny, kind of distracting. Also my teacher gave me reeses cups which was a definite plus. Good day even if i had to get up at like 630am in the morning.

Monday, December 6, 2010


Who made all these rules?
Arent rules made to be broken?
Why are men, men. and woman, woman?
What is up, what is down?
Where do babies come from?
Are boogers for picking?
Is nipple hair for plucking?
Are there any stupid questions?
Should you listen to your elders?
just because you are old does that make you a credible source?
how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?

If you could help me answer any these questions that would be nice.

One sock, two sock, three sock....four