Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I am back again i have my first two classes tomorrow. I dont really want to write on this blog anymore, its just annoying. I am not really that entertaining nor do i really have anything to say so i think i may be saying goodbye to this blog.


Saturday, January 8, 2011

New Readers

There has been some new readers lately, and they are not very nice. They think i am boring, i dont appreciate it.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Suckin Down Some Coffee

As I sip on my second cup of coffee  I am thinking about the new year coming. I am watching this show dexter, it may be one of the greatest shows i have ever seen, but dear lord they have a sex scene like every other scene. I am all for boobs, but come on its a bit much sometime. I just want to see Dexter kill more people? is that weird? actually that seems like a weird thought, i would rather see i syco kill someone then see boobs...I seriously need to rethink my thoughts.
