I would like to salute you janitors, specially the man who janitates my hallway in my dorm building. I noticed a increase in people who where using my favorite toilet, which naturally upset me. Its like when you find a really cool hangout spot that you dont want other people to find out about. I think I just hear the phrase "viagra is raging in sales" and I find that super super funny, I mean if you don't laugh you have issues or cant read, either way I am sorry? As I sit here I think I made that phrase up. Anyway, back to the origanal point, I noticed that someone had defiled my toilet and it thoroughly upset me, then to top it off they clogged it. By the way yes sometimes I am that person who puts toilet paper on the seat first before they sit. But anyway, the next day the paper was restocked and toilet was fresh, next time I see the maintenance man I think I am going to thank him. Although I think talking in the bathroom is kind of a unwritten rule. I found my way into a football game today, it was interesting. I didn't know how to act so I would just say whatever the loudest guy was saying, if the loud guy said "eff you number 22" I would immediately yell "eff you".
Gold Fish and Crack Cowboys
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