Friday, October 29, 2010


I want to make a song about lumberjacks, and i think i will. You know how everyone has that fantasy of a career that you want to do but never really would do. I am not talking about your dream job, this is more of a job fantasy. Say you never really played football in your life but your fantasy job would be a pro football player. Well for me its a bit different, my fantasy job is to be a lumberjack, just a bad ass wood chopping lumberjack. Oh it would be hard work, but at the end of the day i would go take a hot shower and sit by the fire and eat pot pie with my specially little lumberjane. I do not want to be one of these new age lumberjacks, i want to be straight paul bunion.

Flannel is probably the greatest material ever. I kind of want a flannel suite. It would get hot. i keep using periods. i dont think i like that word, "period". i am sure a lot of people dont, specially girls. eww, new subject.

Lumberjacks have a direct corrolation to bears, so therefore, bears are awesome and so are lumberjacks.

Does anyone remember that show little bear? I do and i want to be just like him, only i want to be bigger and look scarier and eat his stupid turtle friend. So, really nothing like him at all.

I just sent a text and the only thing i put was a smiley, i feel like one of those people now, i will follow that text with an apology now.

Bears and Lumberjacks, Lumberjacks, and Bears

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Avatar, Oh Avatar

I hate Avatar. And people are all like you just hate it because everyone likes it, actually incorrect i really dont like it. I tried to like it, saw it in imax 3d and just like as i was watching it before i knew how great it was, i just didnt like it. Like it was a average movie, but it was not as great as people make it out to be. And just because everyone likes it you dont have to fit in and like it.

I am here to spread my message. You should question everything, you people should learn to be more pessimistic. All this happyness is annoying, i enjoy being unhappy so just let me be.

I love coffee a lot, Einsteins bagels has some really good coffee. Starbucks coffee is terrible, it is just kind of gross. I really want to find a cool coffee shop in the boro that i can chill at.

Everyone should pick up the album "Wake Up" by John Legend and The Roots. Okay, i know i may be bias because the roots are my favorite band, but seriously, you want a cd with endless amount of soul and actually a really deep message, and a phat groove. Then this is the shizzy for you.

So i have lemons in my fridge and i really dont know why, and a cabbage. I am really not sure where they came from. One of my friends stole and entire pumpkin from the cafeteria i am not really sure how, but she did.

I really want a plant or a fish for my dorm, is that dumb? please give me your thoughts.

I am sorry my blog is not that entertaining anymore, but uhh its not really about you. So i had to poop when we where having a tornado warning. luckily bathrooms are the safest place to be, but i thought about it usually if there really is a tornado they take all the people and move them into the bathroom, so what if i was in mid turd when a whole bunch of people came in. Now that would be awkward, i am sure it would make a bad first impression on a lot of people, specially if it was a stinker.

Its a Stinker!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Back by Popular Demand: Hippy Histeria

Oh I have had a great day on the national birthday of electric lights. First off, I had a huge test today, probably did not do so well on it but i gave it a shot and thats all that counts? Wrong. So this evening a went to a jazz faculty preformance and they had a guest singer, and he blew my effin mind. He was making weird rat noises and said things like "biggity biggity weeeet weeet". If someone amplified a pig, then stab it with a fork while dipping it in hot sauce, that is just a taste of what this man sounded like. It was fantastic it changed my whole views on music forever.

 ANYWAY, on to the things that people read my blog about, hippies. Oh, how i still dislike them ever so strongly. Its like what is there problem, first the little bastards are sitting then there all standing doing some weird hippy ritual. Its like dont they have homework to do, or do they think that smoking a bowl and playing hacky sack will end world hungry and end homelessness. They think they have such great thoughts, but they dont, there just kind of average people, who sit around and play a C chord on guitar and waste oxygen. Hippy is kind of like another word for bum. Today there was music playing outside my dorm and people where "dancing" if thats what you call it. It was more like a whole bunch of people awkwardly standing in circles like it was some weird elementary barn dance. So the hippies decided it would be awesome to do an acoustic version of NSYNC, there song that is titled "I Want it That Way" or something like that. It was really really weird and i dont think they where wearing shirts, it was a creepy scene. Like learn how to rake leaves or mow grass and stop playing your stupid acoustic guitars, its driving me crazy. How innovative can you get just playing 3 chords over and over again.

All and all, i dont hate hippies at all. I more or less hate the theory of them or the actions they partake in.

Really, the word hippy falls into my vocabulary as people who do things i dont like. So if you decide it to get the awesome idea to piss on my mailbox, your probably a hippy or a douche but that is a whole different blog.

In closing, I ended up driving all the way to Nashville just to get krispy creme donuts, I would say it was quite worth it.

Is This What You Want My Lady FRIEND?

Fantastic Folk

My roomate is about to go to sleep, again. But it was odd I actually talked to him this morning, he sleep all the time I dont get it. All the people I have met are night stalkers, they all stay up late and wake up late. I am sorry I have 8 o clock classes, I am going to try never to take one again but what can you do, at least I get out early everyday, but at what cost is it worth it. I had coffee and its not really doing anything for me, i should have just taken a nap instead. bagels are still the greatest thing in the world, there kind of like donuts only healthier, unless you coat them in cream cheese then they are kind of like donuts that people think are healthy only they are not.

Recently i have found a new love of folk music, I am not sure i go about getting into the folk music scene but i intend to do so. Speaking of which, does folk music even exsist anymore. I was on youtube and i stumbled upon some japanese folk music and it was incredible and it made me want to buy a ficus. I think hippies listen to folk music, which makes it a touchy subject for me, but i guess i can forgive them for crapping all over music.

Today I would like to make a shout out to my lady friend, it is her birthday. I hope it is a magical day for you.

"You can't roller skate in a buffalo herd"

Monday, October 18, 2010


I tried to read other peoples blogs, and it is just boring. I mean, as an American I feel the need to be entertained. I hope my blog brings some form of entertainment, and it is just not you sitting here reading about my thoughts or stupid feelings. Does anyone else think facebook is kind of getting out of hand? I mean its a bit ridiculous, I really want to stop using it, but I am so afraid that if I don't I will be disconnected from my peers and the rest of the world. Is that not even stupid for me to say, before I turn off my computer I guarantee you I will check my facebook again. I want to give it up for lent, but thats like giving up my life. I really like using similes, metaphors, and analogies. I met two nice men today, ones name was scott and the other mat, I don't know why I particularly remember these individuals. I really don't think I could write a paper without spell check, does this make me ignorant? I would probably say yes.

Currently thinking of teddy bears and lumberjacks, now I am picturing them fighting, who do you think would win? I think the bear because i mean, come on, its a flippen bear. I wonder in the world if there is a hairless bear, that would be awkward. I would feel bad for that bear, he would probably get sunburnt a lot.

I had such a fantastic night tonight, I won't say what I did, but I will give you a hint: it involves cheese and pointy forks and dipping things.

"Unbroken Promise"

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Pathetic Poetry

I am going to write you a little poem about my current state of mind.

My leg is half asleep,
while I lay here counting sheep.

I started to right more but thats all I got.

Using the bathroom at home is the weirdest feeling, its like you remember how it feels as soon as you sit down, but you almost feel out of place. You enjoy the fact that your shower isn't a water hose, but at the same time you miss that tiny communal little spic-it.

Lights Out

Cracker Jacks

So it turns out i just have a sinus infection, not a mono "flare". i have not posted in awhile, mostly because i have nothing to say really. My life is, well you know its going not to bad. i am sitting in my little ducky pajama bottoms and i am just chillin.

Pink Lemonade makes me pee

Monday, October 11, 2010


I hate mono, it is terrible. Its kind of like leprosy only in the form of oozing pustules. I had mono  about ohhh 6 or 7 months ago i think and it was terrible. The doctor told me that it could randomly flare on me, well i think i am having a "flare". So i am going to try to nap today and eat my chewable viatmen c my mommy gave to me.

So i had to take a shower but the janitor was in there, i hope he knows that his crack was hanging out. If your crack hangs out does that make you a plumber? i am not sure exactly what he was doing, but he wasnt the usually janitor so maybe he was maintence man, or maybe he was covering the guy because he has a day off or soemthing.

My coffee taste like seal urine.

Don't Care At the Current Time....

Friday, October 8, 2010

Experimentation Explotation

I have had an interesting last 7 days or so, I would rather not share on my blog what would happened, just ask me privately if you would really do want to know. Some interesting things I realized sometime life is for living, i do a lot of waiting around, or saying "maybe next time" or "I dont feel like it". Well the thing is when I do take chances I enjoy them.

I cannot wait to shower in my own shower, it shall be the most magical thing of all. There is nothing quite like a shower where you know the water is going to stay one temperature and it doesnt feel like you are showering off using a garden hose.

Lately, I feel very out of place in life, its odd and I am not saying I hate it, its just there has been a lot of change and I hate change and I struggle to deal with it.

I hate how this stupid thing does not auto correct my "i's" into capitol "I" if that makes any sense to you.

I have a policy about how people should wear shirts, well I am currently shirtless and I kind of like it, like I just feel kind of free. So as long as you are not trying to just get girls to want you by being shirtless, then I say go ahead and be shirtless. People today need to learn to be more comfortable with their bodies, now I am not saying I am either but the thing is take what you got and work it. (if only i knew what i was talking about).

So i have just decided i dont care if my "i" is lower case there are bigger things to worry about, if you dont like it i shall try to go back to capotalizing every single one.

New thought i think i am going to capotolize all of them starting now, because I feel like an ignorant lazy American who just does not care so much that he wont even take the time to hit the shift key.

Oh So Sticky.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ode to Janitors

I would like to salute you janitors, specially the man who janitates my hallway in my dorm building. I noticed a increase in people who where using my favorite toilet, which naturally upset me. Its like when you find a really cool hangout spot that you dont want other people to find out about. I think I just hear the phrase "viagra is raging in sales" and I find that super super funny, I mean if you don't laugh you have issues or cant read, either way I am sorry? As I sit here I think I made that phrase up. Anyway, back to the origanal point, I noticed that someone had defiled my toilet and it thoroughly upset me, then to top it off they clogged it. By the way yes sometimes I am that person who puts toilet paper on the seat first before they sit. But anyway, the next day the paper was restocked and toilet was fresh, next time I see the maintenance man I think I am going to thank him. Although I think talking in the bathroom is kind of a unwritten rule. I found my way into a football game today, it was interesting. I didn't know how to act so I would just say whatever the loudest guy was saying, if the loud guy  said "eff you number 22" I would immediately yell "eff you".

Gold Fish and Crack Cowboys

Monday, October 4, 2010

Bed Head

I woke up this morning, then I fell back asleep only to realize I was missing class so of course I get up and rush over there. It is again, always quite interesting seeing the world without a shower in the morning, it will probably throw my whole day off its ok. It is very nipply outside and I like it. This blog thingy really needs to learn to capitalize 'i' so I dont have to hit the shift key so much. The reason I say this is because if I am going to be stupid enough to write a blog I might as well try to use proper grammar, even though I know I am probably not. Zombieland is a great movie and it always makes me want a twinkie.

Energy Juice

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Optamistic Pessimist

I may hate a lot of things, one might say I find the negative in just about everything I do. Well, this statement is very very true. I love hating on things, I dont know why, it has become a problem, but or the first time today I feel like its going to be a good week. Although, I say that and it may turn out to be the worst week of my life. I am very quick to contradict myslef, thats why I have such a hard time properly expressing things to other people. I am starting to not make sense in this blog, in the end I step on my own feet a lot which creates problems for myself. I hate this blog so much, like why am i sitting here blogging, no one cares, no one is going to be like hey i really agree with you on this one. I mean mainly because I only have 2 followers, but at the same time who has the time to sit down and read a blog that is just stupid, so at the same time who finds time to write a blog? I dont like cheese cake, and people find that to be really weird. I dont understand why the minute i told people i had never had apple pie, people started making me eat it. I never see what is so great, well i mean it is amazing, but at the same time its like why should i feel like an outcast because i dont like cheese cake or that i have never read harry potter. I am sure it is a great book, but i just dont have a desire to read it really. I havent eaten all day, i really need to get on that.

Grips and Tipssss

Friday, October 1, 2010

Flippin Hippies

Look I understand if you want to be a hippy, but seriously take your little hippy circle and get the flipper out of my face. They hippy everything up, its like just stop hippying things. Yes hippy is a noun and a verb, like in a sentence: The stupid hippy played hacky sack and hippied the whole place up and then he smoke some bud, and made tie die. I love people, just not wana be hippy bob marley tie die wearing hacky sack playing hipsters. In conclusion hippies are something I will have to learn to live with

Funky Town